“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
-Acts 1:8
Kennesaw First provides multiple opportunities to serve and minister within our local community and abroad. Join us as we invest in our community and across the globe by showing the love of Christ through our time, talents, and abilities. Would you join us in loving and serving God and others?

Annual Mission Offerings
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering benefits the North American Mission Board and is taken up during the months of March and April.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is taken up throughout the month of December to benefit the International Mission Board.
International Missions
This year we have a team headed to Honduras.
North American Missions
This year’s North American Missions include trips to serve in Worcester (Massachusetts), and Elmwood Park (Illinois).
Local & Community Ministries
Local and community ministries include the Blue Room located within our church which allows the Kennesaw Police Department an area to work reports and find a place for preparation of duties. Other local ministry opportunities include our presence and assistance with the Big Shanty Festival and Kennesaw 5K races. Operation Christmas Child, Angel Tree, and our annual Fall Family Fest are also opportunities to minister, both locally and abroad.
Upcoming Events