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Sunday Morning Service

@ 9:30 Classic & 11:00 Contemporary

Life Built
on the Truth

College Students

a place to belong

The College Ministry at KennesawFirst is a place to belong and experience what Jesus has for you beyond what you had at home.

Life Group

We meet at 9:30 every Sunday morning for our weekly life group! This is a teaching atmosphere meant to help you understand and apply the Word to your life!

Open Volleyball

Join us Thursday nights at 6:30pm in the Gathering Center for Open Volleyball! If you are looking for a fun way to exercise and a great way to fellowship with others, then this is perfect for you! For more information, please email info@kfbc.org.


We meet in room 337 above the Fellowship Hall. It’s on the third floor down the long hallway lined with teaching rooms. 

You can reach out to our ministry by emailing James Caffee at jamescaffee@bellsouth.net or Andy Miller at andydoodle11@gmail.com. We would love to connect with you and provide more information on the college ministry at Kennesaw First. 

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