
Tuesday Aug 22 2023
Check in starts at 9:15am in the Gathering Center
Say Yes! Say yes to being here now, say yes to befriending discomfort, and say yes to being delighted! Join us for an amazing morning as we build community and encourage eachother through our new theme Say Yes!
If you would like to participate, breakfast will be open each week. Those who bring a friend, a breakfast dish, and/or RSVP by the Friday before get extra prize drawing tickets each meeting!
We are asking all steering and mentor moms to contribute to breakfast this week.
Please remember to RSVP below by Friday for yourself, your guests, and your children that plan to attend so we can prepare appropriately.
Meeting will begin at 9:30 and Kid Pick up is at 11:30
Kennesaw First Baptist Church in the Youth Room
Childcare is provided, but we do need you to RSVP so that we can ensure we have plenty of childcare workers to take care of your sweet babies. Please be sure to include your child/children’s ages in the comment box when you RSVP. Children can be taken to their rooms beginning at 9:20 AM.If you have not already done so for this year complete an online registration for your child/children at this link.
We look forward to seeing you and enjoying coffee, mommy time, and getting to know each other. If you have any questions, please contact us at kfbcmops@gmail.com.
Please RSVP here: MOPS