New to Kennesaw First

Sunday Morning Services at 9:30 Classic and 11 for Contemporary Service

Kennesaw First Baptist Church worship and discipleship community

Why We Exist

KennesawFirst Baptist Church exists to encounter God and build transformed lives on the truth of His Word.

Beliefs & Values

We are a member of the Southern Baptist convention of churches. We believe in Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. To learn more about our beliefs and how we run this organization, click below.

Classic worship service at Kennesaw First Baptist
Families enjoying Sunday service at Kennesaw First

How Do I Dress?

Dress comfortably. While some attendees do wear their “Sunday best,” most folks wear casual and comfortable clothes on Sunday morning. Don’t worry about what you wear – just come expecting a great experience.

What do I bring?

If you have a Bible, bring it with you to church. Our Pastor uses a teaching outline for his Sunday messages, and a Bible will help you to follow along in worship and Sunday Bible Study. If you don’t have a Bible, there’s no need to worry. We have Bibles located in our worship center for you to use.

Show God with Kennesaw First Baptist Church
Campus map of Kennesaw First Baptist Church

What do I do when I arrive?

Sunday services begin at 9:30 am (traditional) and 11:00 am (contemporary). At each worship hour, there is a simultaneous Bible study hour (please note that for grades 1-12 and college students, classes are offered at 9:30 am only). Arrive ten minutes before your desired worship/Bible study time to allow for parking traffic. You may wish to allow for an additional 10 minutes if you need to place preschoolers or elementary age children into classes, as we will need to obtain child information.

Where do my children go?

Kennesaw First has excellent preschool and children’s ministries, as well as a dynamic Youth Ministry. Our hosts at the First Time Guest Tent and Welcome Center will assist you in getting your children checked in and to their class or department.

We offer active preschool Bible Study from bed babies through 5 years during all worship services. We offer Life Groups for grades 1-12 and children’s church for grades 1-5 the first 3 Sundays of the month. On Sundays without children’s church, grades 1-5 attend worship with their parents.

Safe and secure children’s check-in at Kennesaw First
Be Known at Kennesaw First Baptist Church

What about Security?

We take child security seriously. Each child must be registered before entering a Bible study class. Once registered, your child will receive a name tag and security code. You will receive a corresponding security code which must be presented when picking up your child. Additional security measures and personnel are on campus to ensure the safety of every attendee.